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Hopper's House

Oil & Acrylic Glazes on Panel

48” x 40”


Conway, AR

Dedicated to realist painter, Edward Hopper, this painting is of the pantry of the childhood home of Marr's wife, Camilla Raymond Marr. Commentary from a former Hendrix student: “There was a traveling show of Hopper's work at Trieschmann when I was there. For Marr's art history class, I wrote a paper about Hopper's recurring image of a house in what seemed like most of the works, posing the abstract question of, Is there a Hopper House? - as in a persistent memory and sense of structural element of his compositions. When I got the paper back, Marr wrote a comment at the end which began, “I think there is a 'Hopper house'...” ….So you can imagine how I jumped when I discovered that later he had painted his own 'Hopper's House'.”



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